Imperial Guard Regiment Name Generator

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From RelicWiki

A regiment is the primary organisational unit of the Imperial Guard, and of the Imperial Army ground forces before that. The size and composition of Imperial Guard regiments is not standardised across the Imperium; the number of individual Guardsmen alone can vary enormously between regiments, with some only a few hundred strong at founding. A regiment is the primary organisational unit of the Imperial Guard, and of the Imperial Army ground forces before that. The size and composition of Imperial Guard regiments is not standardised across the Imperium; the number of individual Guardsmen alone can vary enormously between regiments, with some only a few hundred strong at founding.

Only War is the Imperial Guard RPG of the Fantasy Flight games family of Warhammer 40k roleplay systems. It places the players into the role of soliders in the glorious fighting forces of the Imperial Guard, fighting the enemies of man for the future of humanity. From the Back of the Only War Core Rulebook. On this page you'll find a compilation of character name generators, army name generators and more for Warhammer Age of Sigmar. New name generators are. Nov 13, 2020 — The biggest and best Imperial Guard regiment name generator on the web! You 're naming your Warhammer 40000 army or Kill Team warband. In truth, the regiment is a difficult thing to define, but some might classify it like this: a regiment is the operational unit of the Imperial Guard, a discrete formation of Imperial Guardsmen, all trained and equipped to operate in a single way (i.e. Artillery, infantry, armor, or specialists such as Abhumans), and all drawn from a single world.

This article is part of the Dawn of War Player's Guide.
From RelicWiki

The Imperial Guard is the largest and most diverse organization the galaxy has ever seen. It contains billions of men from a million different worlds. Half-feral savages march alongside former hive plant workers. Men whose home was blistering desert, tropical jungle, icy steppe or desolate moorland are united under the banner of the Imperium of Man. The entire diversity of the massive Imperium is encapsulated in its ranks.

Despite its awesome power, however, the Imperial Guard constantly struggles to protect the Imperium from its many enemies. The mighty Tyranid hive fleets batter at the Eastern Fringe, Ork Waaaghs erupt without warning or pause, the damned Traitor Legions pour from the Eye of Terror hungry for Mankind's souls, mysterious Eldar raiders strike without mercy, the ancient Necrons sally from their tomb worlds and numerous emergent empires, such as the Tau, rise up to challenge Humanity's mastery. Against these diverse and often incomprehensible threats, the Imperial Guard pits human resolve and ingenuity in an unending battle with an inimical universe.

In the midst of genetically engineered super-beings, alien killing machines, warrior mystics, and technology that approaches sorcery in its sophistication, the Imperial Guard are mere soldiers. Clad in a flak jacket and carrying a lasgun, they have to contend with the most terrifying threats, relying on numbers, massed firepower and a bayonet with some guts behind it. As such it is easy to identify with these brave souls and to see in them the qualities of true heroes.

  • 1Backstory
  • 2Imperial Guard Units
  • 3Imperial Guard Buildings


The Imperial Guard were released as a fully playable race in the Winter Assault expansion pack but had a minor role in the original Dawn of War campaign.

Often depicted as the Hammer of the Emperor, Imperial Guardsmen are the polar opposite of their brethren, the Space Marines. Where as Space Marines employ small numbers of elite troops armed with the best equipment the Imperium can offer in lightning fast attacks on strategic targets, the Imperial Guards field large numbers of men at one time, forcing the enemy back with its slow but sure advance. In Winter Assault (the expansion for Relic's Dawn of War) the Imperial Guard are a purely human army, where as Space Marines are genetically engineered humans. Their core units are weak Guardsmen with low morale, and requires the support of various leader units if they are to be used to full effect. Ironically, despite the heavy handed theme of the Guardsmen, Imperial Guards are considered to be an expert, micro intensive race by most Dawn of War players.

The overall theme of the Imperial Guard isn't much different from that envisioned by Games Workshop's table top game Warhammer 40,000. However, due to the real time and agressive nature of this games, the Imperial Guards playstyle differs alot from it's tabletop incarnation.

Dawn of War

The Imperial Guard Planetary Defense Force of Tartarus, or PDF, fought valiantly to defend their world from the Ork invasion but were rapidly losing ground to the overwhelming numbers. The arrival of the Blood Ravens chapter of the Space Marines, led by Gabriel Angelos, allowed the Imperial Guard to hold the line against the green tide long enough to shuttle a large number of the population off-world. But when the Blood Ravens began investigating the rumors of a Chaos presence on the planet, Inquisitor Mordecai Toth prevented any further requisition of Imperial Forces by the Gabriel Angelos and his forces.

When the forces of Chaos finally revealed themselves, at least half of the surviving Imperial Guard turned traitor and attacked their fellow guardsmen. By the time the world was finally evacuated, there was little left of the PDF of Tartarus.

Winter Assault

General Sturnn was sent by the Segmentum Command to reclaim the fallen Imperator Class Titan from the frozen planet Lorn V.


Dark Crusade

By order of the Segmentum Command, Governor-Militant Lukas Alexander's Regiment landed on Kronus with the intent of liberating his fellow humans from the Tau and return the planet to Imperium rule.

Although the Governor and his Liberators were ordered off the planet by Blood Raven Commander Davian Thule, Lukas Alexander was committed to completing his orders. Surrounded by the Chaos Space Marines, the Liberators broke through their lines and destroyed the Warp portal. The Governor-Militant freed the human population from Tau rule. The green tide of the Orks under Gorgutz 'Ead 'Unter stormed the Imperial formations, but each wave fell under their intense weapons fire. With the Necrons marching towards the cannons of the Imperial ranks, their cannons rained down fire on lifeless creatures. In Tyrea, the Eldar Farseer Taldeer was captured and brought to justice for her crimes against the Imperium at Lorn V. In the end, when the Blood Ravens met with the Imperial Guard on the battlefield, it was Governor Lukas Alexander's orders versus Commander Davian Thule's duty in this final conflict.

After all other opposition was defeated, Governor-Militant Lukas Alexander became the de-facto ruler of the Kronus sector. The 1st Kronus Regiment assisted Lukas Alexander in maintaining the safety of the newly liberated planet.

Imperial Guard Units

Techpriest Enginseer

'Ah.. a challenge worthy of my skill!'

Heli x flight simulator crack. Privy to the mystical secrets of the machine-spirits of vehicles, the presence of an Enginseer is vital for a regiment's armoured units to function effectively. Either alone or aided by lobotomized servitors, they can often effect battlefield repairs to damaged vehicles.

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Guardsmen Squad

'For every one of us who falls, ten more will take his place!'

Unlike the Space Marines, The Imperial Guardsmen are regular humans with no genetic enhancements or implants. Often armed with no more than a Lasgun and Flak Jacket, the brave men and women of the Imperial Guard face the enemies of the Emperor and win the day with sheer will and resilience.

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Heavy Weapons Team

'Nothing will get through our field of fire.' Toshiba tec sx5 driver for mac.

Heavy Weapons Teams are equipped with the heaviest man-portable weapons in the regiment and are invaluable in providing defence against enemy armoured vehicles and large alien creatures.

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'From the Emperor's mouth to my ears, sir.'

The Kasrkin are the elite of the Cadian military. They are marked out while they are still in the Youth armies and enrolled in special academies where they receive training that is more than a match for that provided to Imperial Stormtroopers. They are utterly dedicated to the preservation of Imperium and follow an ethos of duty and honour that is both impressive and intimidating.

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The huge strength and durability of Ogryns makes them perfect soldiers for the Imperial Guard. They require almost no training, but they can only make use of the simplest weapons. A select few may even have a glimmer of initiative which makes them prime candidates for augmentative surgery to boost their brain-power to the point where they can become an Ogryn Sergeant or Bone'ead.

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Command Squad

'Fear is naught, my faith is strong.'

The Command Squad is exceptional group of individuals who come together and serve as the leader of the Imperial Guardsmen. The Command Squad is often led by the General/Governor Militant.

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'If you will not serve in combat, then you will serve on the firing line.'

Rigid adherents to the Imperial Creed, Commissars are ruthless, fearless individuals whose dedication to the service of the Emperor overrides any compassion or mercy for the men they must sometimes lead into battle. Universally feared by those around them, Commissars have the power to execute any troopers (or officers) found wanting. Software engineering tenth edition torrent.

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'Let me preach His name!'

Members of the Ecclesiarchy accompany many Imperial Guard regiments into battle. They ensure that the troops are sufficiently motivated to do their duty without fear, as well as fighting fanatically themselves.

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'They will FALL to MY MIND!'

These sombre and solitary individuals are able to use their psychic powers to advise the senior officers of their regiment. They can augment the officer's ability to command, protect him from psychic attack or, in the direst circumstances, fire bolts of lightning from their hands.

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Vindicare Assassin

'One strike is all I need.'

Vindicare Assassins practice callous, unfeeling destruction which eliminates the target with contemptuous ease. They aim to bring inglorious death to the enemies of the Emperor with a sniper's bullet, and have elevated the skills of the marksman to an art form. To complement this, the Vindiare Temple emphasizes stealth and evasion techniques as well as weapons training.

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'Ready to transport our men.'

The ubiquitous transport vehicle of the Imperial Guard, Chimeras are extremely durable and practical vehicles, capable of mounting an array of infantry support weapons. Over the millennia, it has proved its reliability time and time again and remains a potent symbol of the Imperial Guard.

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'Quick and fast, just the way we like it.'

Sentinels are ideal scouting vehicles, and their pilots are often forced to use their own initiative qualities not always fostered in Imperial soldiers. Many of these pilots are highly individualistic and have a reputation as insubordinate mavericks. When not pressed into service as scouts, Sentinel Squads are often used to harry the flanks of enemy formations or act as mobile anti-armour squadrons.

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'On my mark, FULL INFERNO!'

A Hellhound is a flamer tank based on a Chimera hull that uses its Inferno cannon to burn enemy troops from cover. The vast reserves of promethium tanks it carries in place of its troop-carrying capacity has resulted in thicker armour plating and a gleeful pyromania amongst those who crew them.

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A fearsome piece of artillery, the Basilisk is capable of elevating to angles that allow it to fire at targets out of its field of vision. Its powerful shells are capable of smashing apart both infantry and vehicles with ease and the shriek of its incoming shells is rightly feared by the enemies of the Emperor.

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Marauder Bomber

'Leave nothing but craters.'

The Marauder Bomber is the workhorse of the Imperial Navy. Used as an attack craft by fleet spaceships, it also fulfills a tactical role, supporting ground offensives by bombing enemy troop concentrations, usually before an offensive, to soften up the enemy.

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Leman Russ

'Tell the men the cavalry has arrived.'

The Leman Russ Battle Tank is the most commonly found tank in Imperial Guard regiments. It is a simple design and one that has stood the test of time better than most; its versatility and relative ease of construction make it the tank most often requested by Imperial officers to be attached to their infantry formations.

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'Ready to unleash eleven barrels of hell.'

A super heavy tank forged on Mars itself, the Baneblade is the oldest tank still in the Imperial Guard arsenal. It is equipped with a battle cannon paired with a coaxial autocannon, a demolisher cannon, 3 twin-linked heavy bolters, and 2 lascannons. The Baneblade can withstand an incredible amount of punishment, especially with a Techpriest Enginseer repairing the vehicle during combat.

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Imperial Guard Buildings

Field Command

Imperial Guard Regiment Name Generator Download

Unlike the cowardly Eldar, who will freely run from a fight to regroup, the Imperial Guard can never retreat. Once committed to a fight, they either win or fight to the last man, and the Commissars ensure they will perform this duty whether they want to or not. Following this ethos, the Field Command is built out of immobile rockcrete with firing slits on all sides for last-ditch defense. It is also connected to a massive tunnel network running between most Imperial Guard structures, allowing troops to quickly redeploy without exposing themselves to enemy fire. Once deployed, it will either direct the Imperial Guard forces to victory or let them take as many of the enemy with them as possible.

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Listening Post

The Imperial Guard construct Listening Posts to secure their Strategic Points and Relics. Like most of their structures, the Listening Post has firing slits on all sides and is connected to the tunnel network, although its small size restricts the number of squads that can seek shelter within its rockcrete walls. Upgrades to the structure improve its defense, provide it with a built-in Heavy Bolter, and improve the resources provided by the point.

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Plasma Generator

Because of their reliance on powerful vehicles, the Imperial Guard need a strong power infrastructure to support them. Unfortunately, the relatively primitive technology of the Imperial Guard means their generators have a significantly larger footprint than the other warring races of the galaxy.

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Thermo Plasma Generator

By constructing a refinery on top of a Slag Deposit, the Imperial Guard can salvage useful materials to provide a huge supply of power for the production of vehicles and advanced infantry.

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Infantry Command

The task of managing the infantry forces of the Imperial guard is delegated to the staff of the Infantry Commands. All infantry, from the basic Guardsmen Squads to advanced Kasrkin on loan from Cadia, are commanded through these facilities. They are also equipped with firing slits for bunkered squads and a connection to the tunnel network. Their low cost allows them to be built nearly anywhere infantry would need the protection of its thick walls.

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Tactica Control

The requisition of advanced arms and armor for infantry is handled by the Tactica Control. Even the most elite troops must have their requests processed by Imperial bureaucracy before they get access to the weapons needed for the fight.

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Mechanized Command

Just as the Infantry Command organizes the foot soldiers of the Imperial Guard, the Mechanized Command organizes the motorized divisions. Vehicles are delivered directly to the Mechanized Command in the field, where they are prepped for combat by teams of Techpriests assisted by Servitors. Additional depots can be constructed to supply the facility with the necessary tools to service more advanced vehicles. Due to their limited organizational capacity, multiple structures are necessary to manage a large vehicle force. Like most Imperial Guard structures, the Mechanized Command has firing slits for bunkered squads to fire out of as well as a connection to the tunnel network.

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Mars Pattern Command

A mere Mechanized Command could never be properly equipped to handle the technological requirements of a Baneblade, much less its sheer size. Thus the specially designed Mars Pattern Command, built for the express purpose of managing the epitome of Imperial armor.

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Heavy Bolter Turret

Although Segmentum Command does not allow its soldiers to retreat, they do recognize that mere Guardsmen are often no match for the forces assaulting their location. Heavy Bolter Turrets provide the necessary firepower to secure a defensive position. They can be upgraded with a twin Missile Launcher to deal with enemy armored vehicles.

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Mine Field

Even a withering hail of Bolter rounds and Lasgun blasts may not be enough to slow a full-on infantry assault. A series of Mine Fields hidden in front of the defensive line will scatter attacking troops, allowing the defenders to more easily pick them off as they get back up.

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The Dawn of War Player's Guide

The Dawn of War Player's Guide - Thought of the day: Knowledge is power, guard it well.
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Space MarinesChaosEldarOrksImperial GuardTauNecronsDark EldarSisters of Battle










Imperial Guard Regiment Name Generator Game

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